What is placement new in C++?
- In some scenarios it becomes necessary to place objects at specified locations in memory. Placement new solves this problem.
- For example, there could be predefined memory pools in which certain objects need to be placed on creation.
- Placement new is achieved by overloading the new operator which takes more than one argument apart from the default size_t argument.
Demonstrate the usage of placement new
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { public: // Placement new operator void* operator new (size_t sz, void* v) { cout << "Placement new invoked" << endl; return v; } ~MyClass() { // Cleanup } }; int main() { // Create a buffer to store the object int buffer[16]; cout << "Starting address of my buffer = " << &buffer << endl; // Create the object. Use placement new MyClass* obj = new (buffer) MyClass(); cout << "Location of my object = " << obj << endl; // Don't delete object created with placement delete // Call the destructor explicitly obj->~MyClass(); }OUTPUT:
Starting address of my buffer = 0012FF4C Placement new invoked Location of my object = 0012FF4C
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