Stack Introduction
This article explains about basics of the stack data structure and demonstrates implementation of stack using arrays and linked lists.
- Stack is a last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure. i.e. the element added last to the stack will be the one to be removed first.
- Typical use cases of stacks include:- (1) During debugging it is quite common to examine the function call stack during panics. (2) In RTOS like Symbian there are concepts like cleanup stack to avoid memory leaks.
- Some of the common terminology associated with stacks include PUSH, POP and TOP of the stack.
- PUSH refers to adding an element to the stack.
- POP refers to removing an element from the stack.
- TOP refers to the first element that could be POPed (or) the last element PUSHed.
- Diagram below explains the stack.

Implementation of a simple stack using arrays
#include <iostream> using namespace std; const int MAX_SIZE = 100; class StackOverFlowException { public: StackOverFlowException() { cout << "Stack overflow" << endl; } }; class StackUnderFlowException { public: StackUnderFlowException() { cout << "Stack underflow" << endl; } }; class ArrayStack { private: int data[MAX_SIZE]; int top; public: ArrayStack() { top = -1; } void Push(int element) { if ( top >= MAX_SIZE ) { throw new StackOverFlowException(); } data[++top] = element; } int Pop() { if ( top == -1 ) { throw new StackUnderFlowException(); } return data[top--]; } int Top() { return data[top]; } int Size() { return top + 1; } bool isEmpty() { return ( top == -1 ) ? true : false; } }; int main() { ArrayStack s; try { if ( s.isEmpty() ) { cout << "Stack is empty" << endl; } // Push elements s.Push(100); s.Push(200); // Size of stack cout << "Size of stack = " << s.Size() << endl; // Top element cout << s.Top() << endl; // Pop element cout << s.Pop() << endl; // Pop element cout << s.Pop() << endl; // Pop element cout << s.Pop() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "Some exception occured" << endl; } }OUTPUT:-
Stack is empty Size of stack = 2 200 200 100 Stack underflow Some exception occured
Implementation of a simple stack using linked lists
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class StackUnderFlowException { public: StackUnderFlowException() { cout << "Stack underflow" << endl; } }; struct Node { int data; Node* link; }; class ListStack { private: Node* top; int count; public: ListStack() { top = NULL; count = 0; } void Push(int element) { Node* temp = new Node(); temp->data = element; temp->link = top; top = temp; count++; } int Pop() { if ( top == NULL ) { throw new StackUnderFlowException(); } int ret = top->data; Node* temp = top->link; delete top; top = temp; count--; return ret; } int Top() { return top->data; } int Size() { return count; } bool isEmpty() { return ( top == NULL ) ? true : false; } }; int main() { ListStack s; try { if ( s.isEmpty() ) { cout << "Stack is empty" << endl; } // Push elements s.Push(100); s.Push(200); // Size of stack cout << "Size of stack = " << s.Size() << endl; // Top element cout << s.Top() << endl; // Pop element cout << s.Pop() << endl; // Pop element cout << s.Pop() << endl; // Pop element cout << s.Pop() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "Some exception occured" << endl; } }OUTPUT:-
Stack is empty Size of stack = 2 200 200 100 Stack underflow Some exception occured
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